This tutorial covers defining and training a neural net to recognize hand-written digits. We will use the popular, classic data-set MNIST.
Also, it is loosely based on an already existing Kaggle tutorial by Kirill Kliavin.
What I am aiming for is to create a tutorial with lower entry level, even if you do not know any of the AI lingo.
You can find the full implementation on my github:
Digit Recognizer with Tensorflow
Obtain data.
You can download the data set from here:
Kaggle Digit Recognizer competition
Make sure you have all those libraries installed:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.cm as cm
import tensorflow as tf
You can just copy paste it right after imports.
class Tools :
@ staticmethod
def display ( image , width , height ):
image = image . reshape ( width , height )
plt . imshow ( image , cmap = cm . get_cmap ( "binary" ))
@ staticmethod
def dense_to_hot ( labels_dense , num_classes ):
num_labels = labels_dense . shape [ 0 ]
index_offset = np . arange ( num_labels ) * num_classes
labels_one_hot = np . zeros (( num_labels , num_classes ))
labels_one_hot . flat [ index_offset + labels_dense . ravel ()] = 1
return labels_one_hot
@ staticmethod
def weight_variable ( shape ):
initial = tf . truncated_normal ( shape , stddev = 0.1 )
return tf . Variable ( initial )
@ staticmethod
def bias_variable ( shape ):
initial = tf . constant ( 0.1 , shape = shape )
return tf . Variable ( initial )
@ staticmethod
def convolution2d ( x , w ):
return tf . nn . conv2d ( x , w , strides = [ 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 ], padding = 'SAME' )
@ staticmethod
def max_pool_2x2 ( x ):
return tf . nn . max_pool ( x , ksize = [ 1 , 2 , 2 , 1 ], strides = [ 1 , 2 , 2 , 1 ], padding = 'SAME' )
Define hyperparameters.
We can tweak them later.
Pre-process data.
Store training data in memory.
data = pd . read_csv ( '../input/train.csv' )
Allocate values, convert to float and normalize.
images = data . iloc [:, 1 :]. values
images = images . astype ( np . float )
images = np . multiply ( images , 1.0 / 255.0 )
Construct layers of Artificial Neural Net.
Save model.
Print confusion matrix.
But what does it mean?
Parameters of our classifier:
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