
In this tutorial we will go through the process on installing Microsoft CNTK, creating a Visual Studio solution and using the CNTK nuget package to access CNTK binaries.
Then, we will write a small tester program to check if it’s configured properly.

Install CNTK.

For an extensive instruction guide please refer to CNTK github page.
Supported OS and libraries combinations: Test Configurations
Reference guide for setting up environmental variables: Environment-Variables
Visual Studio requirements:
‘Visual Studio 2015+, Community Edition+’
`Common Visual Tools for Visual C++ 2015
Other requirements: see first link.

Manual installation for windows using binary distribution guide:
Visual C++ Redistributable Package for Visual Studio 2015
Microsoft MPI Version 7 (7.0.12437.6)

GPU drivers on NVIDIA page

Download a release binary from here:
CNTK for Windows v.2.0 Beta 10 GPU with 1bit-SGD

Run test examples using python.

cntk\Tutorials\NumpyInterop<br>python FeedForwardNet.py

Run test examples using brainscript.

cd \CNTK\Tutorials\HelloWorld-LogisticRegression<br> cntk configFile=lr_bs.cntk makeMode=false command=Train

Try a simple project!

Here - this one should work!
Simple logistic regression with CNTK

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02 February 2017


